Photo by Nat Caron Photography
I am passionate about sharing ideas and knowledge in conversation with audiences that range from community members to academics to students and youth (both at high school and university or college levels). As an advocate for engaging with media critically, I am thrilled to engage in discussions that look at our news, particularly relating to science and health, in critical and anthropological ways. I have presented at academic conferences, community events, in tutorials with undergraduate students, and through invited guest lectures in university classes. I am happy to Skype in to classrooms or talks as well, if needed. If you are interested in having me speak, please contact me at anthrodish@gmail.com or reach out using the contact form.
I am able to speak about the following subjects:
Podcasts: creating, launching, promoting, or using in the classroom
Food: Politics, Systems, and Culture
Water: Health, Security, and Governance
Health: Holistic and biocultural approaches
Critical media literacy
Knowledge translation and public engagement with science
Here are some of the presentations I have given (or coming up):
Selected conference presentations & public talks
Using podcasts as ethnography for digital food activism (podium). Duignan, S.E. SfAAs 2019 (Portland, OR).
Podcasting and Adapting Public Anthropology for the 21st Century Roundtable , American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in San Jose, CA Nov 2018
Ohneganos Ohnegahdę:gyo (Water is Life): Key Findings from Focus Groups on Water Access and Quality at Six Nations of the Grand River (poster), McMaster Water Week Research Showcase November 2018
Co-Creation of Health and Water Survey with Six Nations Community. Public talk at Six Nations of the Grand River World Water Week, April 2018
Accessing the Lived Experiences of the Disordered Eating Body through Arts-Based Methodology. Duignan, S.E. March 2017 AGSU Medusa Conference. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
“Between a Rock and a Hard Tooth: Investigating Mobility in Two Medieval Danish Populations using Strontium Isotopic Analysis.” Duignan, S.E., Gamble J.A., Boldsen, J., Fayek, M., Hoppa, R.D., and Halden, N.M. 44th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology. Peterborough, ON, Canada. Oct 26-30 2016.
Started From the Bottom, Now We’re Bone: Using Strontium Isotope Analysis to Investigate Mobility in Two Medieval Danish Cemeteries. Invited Public Talk at the Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, November 2014
Student Engagement and Getting Involved in the Academic Community. Invited Talk at the University of Manitoba Graduate Students Association Orientation Week. Winnipeg, MB. September 2014
Guest lectures
Podcasting Tutorials, University of Waterloo Environmental Health (2019)
“Food in the Era of Healthism: A Biocultural Exploration of the Obesity Epidemic Aftermath in North America” March 2018 Guest Lecture at McMaster University, Department of Anthropology (ANTH2AN3)
Body Mapping as Methodology in Sensorial Anthropology” October 2017 Guest Lecture at University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology
“Adolescent Nutritional Health in Urban Populations” Presented at the Collaborative Arctic Summer School in Epidemiology (CASE), Yellowknife, NWT, August 9-12 2015.
“Food Production in North America.” Guest Lecture in ANTH 2430 Ecology, Technology, and Society. Dept of Anthropology, University of
Manitoba, April 2014