Episode 7: Owen Campbell on Gender and Food Security for Winnipeg Youth


So excited to share today's interview with Owen Campbell! Ok, I probably say I'm ridiculously excited for every episode of AnthroDish, but I really do mean it! 

Owen is a trans man with a passion for cooking, baking, and za'atar spice. He currently works in Food Skills and Education at Food Matters Manitoba. Owen started his culinary journey with a small fib in order to get a job at a soon-to-be-open restaurant on the west coast. After landing it and working his way up, he left the restaurant industry to cook for a housing program in Vancouver’s downtown east side, where he remained until he and his husband decided to move to Manitoba. After a brief “retirement” from the food industry (to start and finish a BA and then a Masters in Linguistics), he came back to the food world to find a career in food security at Food Matters Manitoba.

Today we talk about his experiences working with youth in Winnipeg at Food Matters Manitoba, exploring some of the barriers they face when accessing food and creating meals, and who is most at risk for food insecurity in Winnipeg. We speak about the gendering that goes on in different food realms, and how these impact queer and trans youth particularly. We also look at the food landscape in Winnipeg and discuss some of the challenges and creative ways he teaches youth to overcome these barriers.

Check out the episode above, or download on iTunes and Spotify


You can find the Dan Jurafsky lecture he was referring to here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_tceXVOcls 

Want to learn more about Owen? Contact him here: owenrcampbell@gmail.com or check out some of his work with Food Matters Manitoba here:  http://www.foodmattersmanitoba.ca/2018/07/a-queer-cook-off/